China Ocean Squid Price Index Hits a New High!

Oct 16, 2023 SeafoodChina SeafoodFishSquidillex squid

I. Index Performance

In September 2023, the China Ocean Squid Price Index rose slightly to 166.78 points at a high level, a month-on-month increase of 0.04%. Compared with the same period last year, the index is still at a high level, a substantial increase of 18.79% year-on-year.

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From the perspective of subdivision of sea areas, the price index of pelagic squid in each sea area showed "one rise and three falls." Among them, the price index of pelagic squid in the southwest Atlantic sea area rose to 182.89 points, a month-on-month increase of 0.47%; The price index of pelagic squid in the southeast Pacific, Indian Ocean and northwest Pacific closed at 161.66 points, 175.31 points and 139.80 points.

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From the operation of the weekly price index, in September 2023, the ocean squid price index first rose and then fell. Specifically, the index rose to 153.90 points in the second week of September, up 0.13% from the first week; In the third and fourth weeks, the index continued to decline slightly, closing at 153.64 points and 153.27 points respectively, down 0.17% and 0.24% respectively.

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The price index of each sea area is "two up and two down." Specifically, the squid price index of Southwest Atlantic and Northwest Pacific Ocean showed an upward trend, and the fourth week increased by 0.44 and 0.67 percentage points compared with the first week respectively. The price index of pelagic squid in the Indian Ocean area remained stable at first and then fluctuated slightly, and declined slightly in the fourth week compared with the first week. Southeast Pacific waters ocean-going squid price index ups and downs alternately, the first four weeks fell 0.83 percentage point.

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II. Analysis of the Trend of China Ocean Squid Price Index

In the past year, the China Ocean Squid Price Index as a whole has shown an upward trend, and in September 2023, the index reached a new record high point. Analysis shows that as people pay more attention to healthy eating, squid, as one of the low-fat, high-protein seafood, is loved by more and more consumers.

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On the other hand, squid has become a popular choice in the health food market because of its nutritional value and delicious taste. In addition, the popularity of the market has further driven the industry. More nutritious products are constantly emerging in the squid market to satisfy consumers' tastes. Except traditional processed products squid rings and squid tube, more innovative squid products have emerged: Squid Juice, Squid Powder, Squid Noodles, etc.

The increase in demand for healthy food has led to a corresponding increase in demand for squid, which first led to the overall upward movement of China's ocean squid price index, which has been at the same level as the same period last year for many consecutive months.

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